Full Stack Software Developer
Areas of Study
Course Type

Hours: 650 | Duration: 18 months
Whether you’re new to web development or want to build on existing skills, this full stack developer course will teach you how to create and maintain full-service websites. You will learn all the significant aspects of front-end, back-end, and full-stack development through several milestone exercises and a hands-on project. Throughout the course, you will build a website that hosts learning games. By course completion, your website will allow users to log in, play games, track their progress, see leaderboards, and manage their accounts.
- Things Every Developer Should Know
- Zip Files
- Showing Extensions in File Listings
- Taking Screenshots
- Using a Command Line Shell
- Relative and Absolute Paths
- Environment Variables
- Browsers
- Visual Studio Code
- Using Stack Overflow
- Asking Good Questions in Your Course
- Exercise: Ask a Question
- Introduction to HTML
- A Quick Overview of Web Development
- Introduction to HTML
- Paragraphs, Headings, and Text
- HTML Links
- HTML Images
- HTML Lists
- HTML Tables
- Sectioning a Web Page
- Audio and Video
- Introduction to CSS
- Crash Course in CSS
- CSS Fonts
- Color and Opacity
- CSS Text
- Borders, Margins, and Padding
- Backgrounds
- Display and Visibility
- Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements
- Styling Tables with CSS
- Positioning
- Transforms and Transitions
- Layouts
- CSS Lists as Hierarchical Navigation
- Media Queries
- Introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript Basics
- Variables, Arrays, and Operators
- JavaScript Functions
- Built-in JavaScript Objects
- Conditionals and Loops
- Event Handlers and Listeners
- The HTML Document Object Model
- CSS Object Model
- Errors and Exceptions
- Advanced JavaScript Concepts
- Node.js
- Scope, var, let, and const
- Arrow Functions
- Rest Parameters
- Spread Operator
- Array Destructuring
- Template Literals
- Objects, Context, and the this Object
- Array map() Method
- Array filter() Method
- Array find() Method
- JavaScript Modules
- npm
- Customize hands-on JavaScript project
- Creating, Styling, and Validating Web Forms
- HTML Forms
- JavaScript Form Validation
- Styling Forms with CSS
- Regular Expressions
- Node.js and Server-side Form Validation
- Project
- Vue.js
- Getting Started with Vue.js
- Basic Vue Features
- Directives
- Implementing Game Logic
- Transitions and Animations
- Vue Routing
- Bootstrap Training
- Getting Started with Bootstrap Basics
- Bootstrap Layout
- Creating Responsive Navigation
- Bootstrap Typography
- Tables
- Bootstrap Forms
- Images
- Bootstrap Components
- Bootstrap Utilities
- Bootstrap Flex
- Project
- PostgreSQL
- Relational Database Basics
- Simple SELECTs
- Advanced SELECTs
- Subqueries, Joins and Unions
- Conditional Processing with CASE
- Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records
- Creating Tables
- Introduction to Python
- Python Basics
- Functions and Modules
- Math
- Python Strings
- Iterables: Sequences, Dictionaries, and Sets
- Virtual Environments, Packages, and pip
- Flow Control
- Exception Handling
- Python Dates and Times
- File Processing
- PEP8 and Pylint
- Advanced Python
- Advanced Python Concepts
- Regular Expressions
- Working with Data
- Testing and Debugging
- Classes and Objects
- Project
- Django Training for Python Developers
- Getting Started with Django
- Git, GitHub, and an App with a Model
- Template Filters and Tags
- Static Files
- Django Admin and the User Model
- URLs and Slugs
- Sending Email with SendGrid
- Forms and Widgets
- ModelForms
- User Registration
- Messages Framework
- Media Files
- Making Queries, Ajax, and View Functions
- Pagination and Ordering
- Advanced Querying and Search
- Deploying your Website to Production
- Customizing Django Admin
- Additional Topics
- Introduction to WordPress Training
- Getting Started and Setup Options
- WordPress Dashboard
- Posts
- Comments and Feedback
- Appearance
- Pages
- Reader Page
- Project
Course Requirements
Requirements: Hardware Requirements: Software Requirements: Other: Instructional Material Requirements: The instructional materials required for this course are included in enrollment and will be available online. Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites to take this course.